Contact information

Site information
State of North Rhine Westphalia
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Berger Allee 25
40213 Düsseldorf
Telephone: (0211) 61772 0
e-mail: poststelle(at)
Legal form:
The state of North Rhine Westphalia is a public corporation.
Representation authorisation:
The Ministry is represented by Mrs. Minister Mona Neubaur.
VAT number, pursuant to § 27a UStG [German sales tax law]:
DE 153138079
Editorial responsibility:
Dr. Meike Rabanus, meike.rabanus(at)
State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Berger Allee 25
40213 Düsseldorf
Editorial and technical support:
Agency for Communication GmbH
Grünwalder way 34
82041 Oberhaching near Munich
Tel: 089/638931-0
Responsible for server & e-mail hosting:
Landesbetrieb Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen (IT.NRW)
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